On a much more serious note, I've added a link to "Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep". This is a non-profit organization, set up to aid parents in the healing process from the loss of their newborn baby. Honestly, I can't imagine the heartbreak and sorrow of a parent facing that kind of emotional pain. I've signed on as a volunteer photographer, and I've contacted the appropriate staff at our local hospital. I love to photograph people at the happy times, so in a way, I hope I'm never called upon to capture these images. But, if there is a need and I'm asked - I will do everything in my power to help share the spirit of their tragically short lives, and feel honored to do so.
This isn't as light and upbeat as previous (and all future) posts, but I think that it's important to make people aware that there is such a service available. Check out their website, and if you are moved - feel free to make a donation.